Annie Carroll

Who are you, and what do you do?

My name is Annie Carroll and I am a recent graduate of the University of Montana. I am a Partner Development Associate at ClassPass. ClassPass is a fitness and wellness subscription company that helps all members live a happy and fullied lifestyle. It is my job to sign Wellness business in the Greater Denver Metro area onto the platform to provide inventory for our user base to book into! It is statically proven that every business we sign on as a partner we gain 3 subscribers, so my role can make a huge impact on the growth of our company!

What is one habit of yours that helps you be productive?

Staying persistent and keeping organized. In a sales role, it is so important to never give up even then it gets hard if you stay persistent then great things can happen!

What is your morning routine and how does it help you get the most out of your day?

I like to wake up early and have a cup of tea. It helps me relax before a busy work day.

In the last few years, what lifestyle, habit or behavior change has had the biggest positive impact on your life?

I have been waking up earlier in the mornings. I hate feeling tired or rushed when trying to start my day. Taking my time to get ready for work, having a cup of tea, and not rushing has really helped me throughout the day.

When you feel unfocused, what do you do?

When I feel unfocused I take a small walk or just step away from my desk. I think it is so important to rest my mind that way I can get work done.

What is one piece of software or a web service that you get immense value out of? How do you use it?

Every google is so important. In my company, we are consistently sharing powerpoints, google sheets and docs. It’s so important to know how to navigate google’s apps.

What is the one book you recommend most often and why?

The Devil Wears Prada
This book really shows a hard work environment and how to overcome it. I feel like everyone should read this book!

What advice would you give a smart and ambitious recent college graduate? What advice should they ignore?

Never give up, and have a northern star (goal) that you are striving for. Through hard work and dedication, anything can happen. Ignore anyone telling you that you can’t do something or that you should start small. Have big goals, and have big dreams!

What is your favorite quote, one you aim to live by?

Keep Moving Forward
-Walt Disney


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